Air-Sea Observations for a Safe Ocean
Workshop Overview
Location & Date
This event is a satellite activity of the UN Ocean Decade Safe Ocean Laboratory and took place from 0:00 – 02:00 AM CEST on April 7, 2022.
Program Schedule
The Air-Sea Observations for a Safe Ocean satellite activity lasted a total of 2 hours, including a 30-minute poster/social session in after a 1.5-hour virtual workshop.
The virtual workshop comprised three sessions, each with an invited lecture that was pre-recorded. Communication was in English. Recorded presentations are now publicly available through the OASIS YouTube channel.
Session 1- Island Nations’ to Regional to Global needs for early warning systems: Can observing systems be integrated to serve all? How can traditional knowledge of air-sea interaction be incorporated into these systems? How can recent advances in air-sea interaction observations reduce marine hazards?
Moderator: R. Venkatesan (NIOT, India)
Presenters: Evan Jones (FSU, USA), Marcus Landon Aydlett (Guam Weather Forecast Office)
Session 2- Techniques: What new cost-effective technologies may be appropriate for SIDS? How can this technology be maintained and used effectively by local SIDS citizens?
Moderator: Jérome Aucan (SPC, New Caledonia)
Presenter: Sebastien Boulay (Sofar, New Zealand)
Session 3 – Strategies: What can OASIS do to promote a Safe Ocean?
Moderator: Meghan Cronin (NOAA PMEL, USA)
Presenter: Patricia Chardón-Maldonado (CARICOOS, Puerto Rico)
The overall timing of the event (hh:mm) was as follows:
00:00 Virtual Workshop begins
00:00 – 00:30 Intro and Block 1 (Small Island Developing States’, regional, and global early warning system needs)
00:30 – 01:00 Block 2 (Technology/ Techniques)
01:00 – 01:30 Block 3 (OASIS Strategy for a Safe Ocean)
01:30 End of Virtual Workshop.
01:30 – 02:00 Networking and Posters in Gather.Town
02:00 End
The fun and interactive Gather.Town was also open for socializing and networking throughout the entire day.
Workshop Organizers
R. Venkatesan, National Institute of Ocean Technology, India
Meghan Cronin, NOAA PMEL, USA (OASIS chair)
Christa Marandino, GEOMAR, Germany (OASIS co-chair)
Clarissa Anderson, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, SCCOOS
Patricia Chardon Maldonado, University of Puerto Rico, CARICOOS
Randi Rotjan, Phoenix Islands Protected Area, Boston University
Samantha Wills, University of Washington CICOES
Workshop Speakers
Evan Jones, PhD Candidate/Research Assistant, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL
Marcus Landon Aydlett, Warning Coordination Meteorologist, National Weather Service, WFO Guam
Sebastien Boulay, Director of Business Development, Sofar Ocean Technologies, New Zealand
Patricia Chardon Maldonado, Deputy and Technical Director, Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System (CARICOOS)