OSM 2022 Science Session – OASIS Ocean Shots for 2030
Session Overview
Air-sea exchanges of energy, moisture, and gases affect the Earth’s weather and climate, influencing life, including our own. The ocean covers over 70% of the Earth and air-sea interactions fuel the hydrological cycle, affecting global weather and precipitation. Air-sea interactions affect the distribution of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and ocean; how seawater flows, winds blow and water mixes; how much food the surface ocean can produce; and how pollutants move through the ocean – information critical to policymakers, industry, and civil society. Yet, air-sea interactions are poorly sampled. There are no dedicated satellite missions for air-sea exchange and in situ observations are sparse. As an endorsed UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development programme, the Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) hopes to produce transformative observational-based knowledge to fundamentally improve weather, climate and ocean prediction, promote healthy oceans, the blue economy, and sustainable food and energy.
Location & Date
The 2022 ASLO Ocean Sciences Meeting will be held from February 27-March 4th in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA and virtually. This OASIS science session will be hybrid, and is part of the OS — Ocean Sustainability and the UN Decade set of sessions.
Submit an Abstract to the OASIS Science Session #OS14
This Session will welcome both virtual and In-Person presentations for a mix of oral, 10-4×5-30 (10-minute keynote + four 5-minute talks + 30-minute Q/A), e-lightning, and poster presentation blocks. Submissions should address the following OASIS questions:
- What are the physical, biogeochemical, and ecological air-sea interaction processes that should be included in the OASIS? How well are these processes resolved or parameterized in models?
- How interoperable are the different remotely-sensed and in situ observations? How do models compare to these observations? What are best practices for ensuring interoperability?
- What OASIS “Ocean Shots” would make a sea-change in observing, modeling and predicting air-sea interactions over the coming decade?
- How can OASIS become truly global through capacity building and sharing? This block will highlight potential OASIS Partners in under-resourced developing and island nations.
Abstracts are due 11:59 PM CDT on September 29 2021.
- Submit abstracts at: https://osm2022.secure-platform.com/a
- See abstract guidelines here: https://www.aslo.org/osm2022/abstract-guidelines/
Workshop Organizers
Meghan Cronin, Meghan.F.Cronin@noaa.gov
Sebastiaan Swart, sebastiaan.swart@marine.gu.se
Brian Arbic, arbic@umich.edu
Samantha Wills, Samantha.M.Wills@noaa.gov
More Information
Important websites:
- Learn more about OSM 2022: https://www.aslo.org/osm2022/
- All 2022 Ocean Science Meeting Scientific Sessions: https://www.aslo.org/osm2022/scientific-sessions/