Best Practice & Interoperability Experiments Theme Team
Guiding Questions
- What near-term activities are needed to develop and promote best practices in air-sea interaction observations?
- What near-term activities are needed to ensure that in situ and remotely-sensed air-sea interaction observations are interoperable? and that these observed variables and modelled variables are interoperable?
Terms of Reference
The benefits of following recognised community best practices are numerous and fundamental to the sustained global ocean observing effort. A best practice is a methodology that has repeatedly produced superior results relative to other methodologies with the same objective. To be fully elevated to a best practice, a promising method will have been reviewed, adopted and employed by multiple organizations#. The OASIS Best Practices (BP) and Interoperability Task Team (TT) aims to identify, create and promote BP in all areas of air-sea interaction in support of the OASIS goals.
Theme Team Membership
Theme Team Leads: Juliet Hermes, Jack Reeves Eyre, R. Venkatesan,
Current Theme Team Members: J. Hermes, J. Reeves Eyre, R. Venkatesan, N. Anderson, Y. Serra, S. Elipot, T. Farrar, P. Browne, S. Zippel, M. Bourassa, F. Muller-Karger, V. Vitale, D. Zhang, K. Drushka, A. Plueddemann, D. Stanitski, M. Andres, M. Mazloff, A. Rutgersson, U. Schuster, L. Ratnarajah, G. Gerich, C. Gentemann, L. Riihimaki, J. Edson, H. Zhang, A. Stoffelen
Staff Support: Cassie Wilson
Open membership — join here!