Partnership and Capacity Strengthening Theme Team

OASIS is restructuring. Updated information will be provided soon. Details below are archived from 2024.


Overarching Question

How can OASIS become truly global through partnership and capacity strengthening to improve regional weather and ocean predictions, and enhance scientific opportunities?

Specific Guiding Questions

  1. What do our individual communities need?
  2. What can we learn from each other?
  3. What types of resources are available? Are they of high quality and value?
  4. How can we deliver sustainable support and long-term learning and sharing opportunities?


Terms of Reference

Theory of Change: Coupled ocean atmosphere exchanges are challenging to compute as they rely upon many co-located and synchronous, high resolution surface essential ocean variables (EOV), essential climate variables (ECV), and essential biodiversity variables (EBVs). Multifunctional platforms are more economical than multiple single function platforms and have the added value that they encourage collaborations across expertise. New sensors must be deployed in a way that ensures interoperability and non-interference with other measurements. Capacity strengthening in this sense is achieved by developing best practices and technical readiness level advancement procedures, and by developing partnerships, all of which expands the capacity of the observing system. The result of this cultural shift would be a broader base of users, operators, technological solutions, and education and outreach opportunities that inspire the next generation of scientists.

We seek to promote effective global and regional coordination on observing and modeling air-ocean interactions, including through information exchange, capacity development, and enhanced engagement of stakeholders at global, regional and national levels. Building on the efforts of the other OASIS themes and partners, the capacity strengthening and partnership theme focuses on the following terms of reference:

  • Strengthen global capacity to effectively develop a network of observing air-sea interactions and to address OASIS goals and objectives:

    • Develop a website/database compiling existing materials that we have vetted that can provide continuity and longevity to capacity strengthening activities
    • Map out the landscape of key funding prospects to sustain capacity strengthening and partnership activities
    • Listening sessions with partners in key regions to learn of their research interests and needs (e.g., how air-sea interaction research would fit into their ongoing efforts) and learning about any limitations, perhaps with basic infrastructure, boat access, etc. that would prevent success of the process that has worked in more well-resourced regions.
    • Workshops aimed at establishing linkages for improved information sharing and understanding on Observing Air-Ocean Interactions.
    • Information sessions and events held at major relevant meetings to raise the awareness of OASIS program, solicit input on how to improve capacity globally and encourage involvement in future OASIS discussions at various levels.
    • Come up with a list of experts who would be willing to make this type of investment or provide a lecture, mentorship, etc.
  • Work and engage collaboratively with the other TTs and international organizations to produce OASIS SCOR WG #162 deliverables/activities within this theme. This relates specifically to:

    • Air-sea flux toolbox and curriculum
    • Best practices Theme Team more broadly
    • Participate in Summer Schools; Highlight successful capacity building and sharing efforts
    • Network with other groups (e.g., GOA-ON, Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability)
    • Obtain advice on how to make these videos impactful and successful. Videos could be organized into themes or tracks [elementary / middle school / high school / new graduates, etc.]
    • Work together with SOLAS MSc program
    • Public Outreach Network partnering with outreach specialists to improve and expand efforts to raise awareness on the importance of OASIS priorities.
    • With the UN Ocean Decade Theme Team, co-develop using Community of Practices in key OASIS priority areas, made up of expert practitioners from academia, governments, non-governmental organizations, UN agencies, and industry with relevant experience and knowledge in OASIS objectives and priority areas to share and exchange information.
    • Present actions to GOOS, GCOS, WCRP, etc. for inclusion in international implementation plans.

Theme Team Leadership

Theme Team Leads: Warren Joubert and Christa Marandino

Staff Support: Cheyenne Stienbarger

Open membership — join here!