OASIS Face-to-Face Community Meeting
Meeting Overview & Report
Thank you for joining us for a 2-day community workshop before OSM24 in New Orleans, USA!
The United Nations (UN) Ocean Decade programme Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) hosted a workshop prior to the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024 on February 17-18, 2024 in New Orleans, LA, USA. The first day of the workshop provided a broad overview of all the components that make up OASIS, followed by an open discussion of Grand Idea #1: A Global in situ array – connecting the parts. The second day of the workshop hosted open discussion and breakout groups on Goal #2: Satellite air-sea fluxes and Goal #3: Process studies that feed earth system models. For those who could not make it to the Ocean Sciences Meeting, there was a virtual component to this community workshop.
Meeting report available here!
Meeting Report
Meeting Schedule and Outcomes
This 2 day workshop brough the OASIS community together for it’s first face-to-face meeting to review current activities and projects, frame the main objectives of OASIS, discuss the four Grand Ideas, highlight emerging areas, and define what is needed as a community to reach these objectives.
Below is an outline of the agenda for the 2-day workshop:
Program Schedule:
Day 1:
08:00 Registration
08:30 Introduction & Overview of OASIS
10:00 The OASIS Theory of Change – the Grandest Idea of all
10:30 Breakout Groups Discussion
11:30 Report out: Desired outcomes for theory of change & desired outcomes for OASIS
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Grand Idea 1: Global in situ array – Connecting the parts
14:00 Breakout Groups Discussion & Report-Outs
15:00 Working Session – OASIS Community of Practice Papers in Preparation
16:30 Closing Remarks & Agenda for Day 2
17:00 Adjourn
Day 2:
08:00 Registration
08:30 Introduction & Recap
9:00 Grand Idea 2: Satellite air-sea fluxes – new views from space
9:45 Breakout Groups Discussion
10:30 Report out: Desired outcomes for Grand Idea 2
11:00 OASIS Restructuring – OASIS Projects, Theme Teams & Task teams, OASIS Leadership and Communications
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Grand Idea 3: Process studies that feed earth system models
14:00 Breakout Groups Discussion & Report-Outs
14:30 OASIS Going Forward
16:30 Closing Remarks
17:00 Adjourn
Meeting Organizers
Seb Swart, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (OASIS co-chair)
Meghan Cronin, NOAA, USA (OASIS co-chair)
Christa Marandino, GEOMAR, Germany (OASIS co-chair)
Cassie Wilson, Center for Ocean Leadership, USA
Masha Edmondson, Center for Ocean Leadership, USA
Lucia Loza, NORCE, Norway (ECOP)
Shawn Smith, COAPS/FSU, USA
Sarah Gille, UCSD, USA
Charles Addy, PhD Student at University of Hawai’i, USA (ECOP)
Marcel du Plessis, University of Gothenburg, Sweden (ECOP)
Clarissa Anderson, Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System, USA